New & Improved On Ramp at CrossFit Ignis!!


We’re in the business of improvement.

Here at CrossFit Ignis we are always working to not only improve our clients3be30e48ff6953465407e3de50098e53.png physical health but their overall experience too.  So, when we started talking about our On Ramp program we asked ourselves how can we make it more accessible and more convenient for everyone?

Introducing our “Accelerated On Ramp”

Beginning December 4th we will be rolling out a 2 week On Ramp course that covers all 8 classes – at 4 classes per week.

Class schedule will be Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri at 6:30PM. 

Because rest is so important, especially for a beginner, we will take Wednesdays off to recover and get ready for the remainder of the week.

Here’s the really cool part – once your 2 week On Ramp courses are over you will receive 36999267_2223074537709171_377951444101234688_oFREE 2 week Unlimited membership to our regular CrossFit classes.  That’s 4 weeks of fitness for $150/person single ($250/person couples)!!  That boils down to a mere $7.50 per class!

All of our classes are led by one of our 4 highly skilled Coaches.  They will be by your side for the entirety of your workout! Best of all, no more trying to figure out what to do at the gym – we do all of the programming for you!

[Links for sign up can be found at the end of this post]

But I’m a morning person

Don’t worry, for those of you who need to get your workout in early, we will still be offering our 4 week On Ramp course that meets every Tues & Thurs at 6:30am!

We also offer private, one-on-one On Ramp training.  Working directly with your Coach you can set up your classes to meet YOUR schedule!  Contact us for rates.


What to Expect in On Ramp

Educational, engaging, and fun, the CrossFit Ignis On-Ramp Program curriculum involves theory and practical work and will provide you with:

  • The ability to safely and effectively perform/employ the primary movements used in CrossFit Ignis’ programs. Covered topics include gymnastic/body-weight exercises, mid-line stabilization exercises, plyometric movements, Olympic and Power-Lifting Movements, Kettlebell movements, and efficient running and rowing form;
  • A general understanding of the musculoskeletal biomechanics associated with/involved in the functional exercises used in CrossFit Ignis’ programs;
  • Awareness of general flexibility and/or mobility restrictions which could potentially impede your progress;
  • Basic soft-tissue maintenance tools essential for remaining limber, healthy, and injury-free.

Each of the 8 classes follow a set curriculum, and cover unique subject matter. Each class:

  1. Details the underlying principles associated with each movement, exercise, or skill;
  2. Guides you through the execution of each movement;
  3. Dedicates time to the practice and application of each movement reviewed;
  4. Provides Coach-issued feedback and prescribes corrective cues or exercise modifications as necessary;
  5. Includes a CrossFit Ignis Programmed workout (WOD) that both incorporates the movements reviewed, and simulates the CrossFit Ignis training environment;
  6. Concludes with mobility and flexibility work complimentary to the movements employed during the instruction and the workout.


How do I get started?

If you’re ready to jump right in all you need to do is click here and complete our online waiver and make your first months payment!

Want to try it before you buy it?  You first WOD is always FREE at CrossFit Ignis!  Click here to schedule your free trial!

If you’re still not sure, then we encourage you to schedule a FREE one-on-one consultation with one of our Coaches by contacting Owner & Head Coach Kelli Johnson at to set up an appointment.

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